Full List of 1855 Place Amenities



  • WiFi and cable-equipped
  • Utilities (electric, gas, water, recycling, trash)
  • 24/7 on-site maintenance
  • Designated parking — as available (fees apply)
  • On-site fitness facility
  • Green space
  • Kitchen
    • Refrigerator
    • Microwave
    • Oven and range
  • Living Room
    • Air conditioning
    • Heating with thermostat (limited temperature control)
    • Coffee table
    • End table
  • Bedroom
    • Full XL or XXL bed
    • Desk
    • Desk chair
    • Nightstand
    • Dresser(s)

Flats and Townhomes

  • Living/Kitchen
    • Sectional OR couch and chair
    • Bar chairs/stools (1 per bedroom)
    • Dishwasher
    • Washer/Dryer
    • TV stand


  • Living/Kitchen
    • Sectional OR couch
    • Bar chairs/stools (1 per bedroom)
    • Dishwasher
    • TV stand
  • Complementary community laundry
  • Floor lounges


  • Living/Kitchen
    • Couch
    • Portable dishwasher (connects via sink)
    • TV Stand
  • Complementary community laundry
  • Floor lounges


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